Saturday, November 26, 2005

Success By Association.

The company you keep will determine how successful you will become! Oh yes it will! There is alot to be said about Success By Association, or No Success By Association for that matter, but the truth is you are a product of your surroundings.

To put it bluntly, if you surround yourself with losers, then the likelihood of you being a loser is...Hmm...Pretty high! I'm not trying to be funny or insult anyone, what I am trying to do is maybe shock a few people into taking the time to analyze the group of friends they keep. If your friends are drinking everynight, complaining about not having money then having a few more rounds, driving that same beat up old car, then you most likely lead a similar life.
Now don't get me wrong-If your happy with that sort of lifestyle then that's great, but you wouldn't still be reading this article if you were! I'm not criticizing the lifestyle, I'm just stating that if you want to have more, be more, then you will have to change your circle of friends.

It sounds pretty harsh, and it is, but you only have one life. I'm not telling you to go and dump your friends, but I am saying that you need to find other, new friends that are already doing or thinking like you are. If your friends are true friends, then they too will want to be more, or at least they will understand that you want to learn from others, and that you want to develop and succeed at life! There is no shame in wanting more, there is in pretending you don't.

Once you know who you want to be you can find people that are similar to spend your time with. Listen to them, watch them, ask them questions. People who are succeeding will be flattered that you ask. If you want to achieve even greater heights then find a mentor! Someone who is at the pinnacle of your ambitions, and try to spend some time with them. Write a letter or ask them to spend an hour of their time with you, be polite but professional, and explain your reasons. Then listen, watch and learn!

Raise your standards and be who you really want to be!

"Never stand begging for what you have the power to earn.”
Miguel de Cervantes


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