Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Karma Baby!

You could argue that Karma doesnt actually exist, or that their are some people that seem to step on others daily with no immediate consequence, but I do believe it exists. I like to believe that life has a funny way of giving you what you deserve regardless of your status.
Karma is the greatest equalizer of men.
I say this because, I have recently been witness to some fantastic equalizing events, and one particularly close to home. You see, if you are a person of Good Principles, of Integrity, of Genuine Human care, then you will naturally attract similar people, which will bring acts of kindness and generosity in return. They will bring you success and prosperity to you and yours.
On the other hand if you are an arrogant 'you know what' then you too will attract similar people, and eventually you too will be at the end of your own worst actions. These people will get whats coming to them, life will do that to you! Its a beautiful thing, and it inspires me knowing that they have to sleep with themselves every night. Those who are greedy will soon be old! Those who are cons, will soon be conned, those who betray, will be fools!
The great equaliser-Karma.
So, to the arrogant '%*&!#' who fooled my wife!
The sweetest revenge has come to me! It was just a matter of time!
Karma Baby!
"The miracle is this — the more we share, the more we have."
Leonard Nimoy


Blogger Rico said...

Hi Playah hatah,
Thanks for the response. Karma is a funny one- I think we need to believe in it so we dont let negative influences affect our lives. Believing in it allows me to have the last laugh, imagining how they will get what they deserve. Sometimes it happens in front of your eyes and thats a bonus!
In regards to Persistent action it absolutely works. It does depend on the other 2, Effective and Action! Of course if you are persistent at using straw to build a bridge, you might not succeed- no matter how persistant or motivated you are. However if your persistence is effective
(using the right tools, changing and constantly adapting your strategy) then you will succeed.

Sometimes,rarely, success happens overnight or over a year, usually it happens over a long period of time, after you have learned and developed the EFFECTIVENESS part. If you follow this with your most important goals, you will slowly begin achieving more and more. I promise you it works.
Thanks for your comments!

4:48 PM  

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